Female Scammer Mariam  owusu

Mariam  owusu

Female Scammer Mariam  owusu

E-mail: mariamowusu10@gmail.com
 4 ratings     

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First Name: Mariam
Location [Address]:
Birth Date:
Mariam  owusu

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Reports :

-Original Message-
Hello my kitten At me, as always it was cheered up at reception of your letter! There is no I do not travel much in fact on it many money is necessary. I think, you not against, that I have named you a kitten, do not take offence, it I am tender so you I name. Girlfriends at work speak, that I became absent-minded, speak, that I have fallen in love, I do not know, that to them it and to answer, because I do not want them to deceive, even it seems to me, that I have already found, that person whom searched, and this person you! So it seems to me, what I too to like you, or it not so? Tell me please, it may be not mutual at us these feelings, and I very much would like, that the our love was mutual! Yes though I and hesitate slightly, but I should you tell all: I LOVE YOU ! It is very interesting to me to learn, whether this feeling so, try to me is mutual at us to answer it as soon as possible! I very much ask you!



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